We have an answer to your question

We have summarized the most important questions and answers for you.


  • Are the applications together with the attached enclosures secure?

    We check all application documents and their attachments that are uploaded to your Ostendis for viruses in advance.

    This prevents any dangerous files from being downloaded by your applicants and puts your system environment at risk.

  • What about data protection?

    Ensuring the data protection of our customers and their data is of great importance to us.

    We protect this data and the associated production-relevant systems with multiple routers, firewalls, switches and hosts to ensure the best possible security.

    Daily backups are also created, which are stored both on and off site - encrypted, of course.

    If there are any questions or uncertainties regarding data protection and security, we will of course be happy to help.

  • Where is the applicant data stored?

    We store your data securely on our own servers in Switzerland. This means that we retain complete control over your data and are not reliant on external providers.


  • How is billing done?

    We always send an invoice at the beginning of the month for the amount of time used in the previous month.

    Similar to a telephone bill, our pay-as-you-go model means that you are only charged for what you use.

    We send the invoice by e-mail with a PDF attachment. The invoice is payable within 30 days.

  • We don't always have a vacancy to fill. Do we still pay for Ostendis during this non-recruitment period?

    No, this is precisely the great advantage of Ostendis over previous e-recruiting solutions!

    If you currently have no vacancies to fill, you can easily convert your Ostendis Professional Edition account into an Ostendis Free Edition account.

    From this point on, you will no longer pay for Ostendis. Your data will be retained and the functionality of your Ostendis account will be reduced. If you have another vacancy to fill, you can convert your account back to the Professional Edition at the click of a mouse.

  • What is the connection between our price and a coffee?

    An e-recruiting solution does not necessarily have to break the budget of your HR department.
    We are convinced that you can get a fully functional system with a small budget.

    And all for the same price as your daily morning coffee.

    Ostendis focuses on fairness and flexibility in its pricing model. We have therefore opted for a price that is not only affordable for large companies. In addition, you only pay if you actually use the system.

    Another plus point: with Ostendis, you give your recruitment process the same boost that you get from a coffee!

  • Who needs a paid Professional Edition account when using Ostendis?

    With an Ostendis Professional Edition account, you have access to the full Ostendis e-recruiting functionality.

    This is why it is used by people from the HR department who are involved in recruiting employees.

    Supervisors who are only required to assess and comment on an application do not need a paid account for this.


  • Can two people from the HR department share an Ostendis Professional Edition account?

    Yes for sure!

    This may also be advisable for smaller companies in order to save costs.

  • Do other people, such as line managers, also need an Ostendis account?

    Yes, but do not worry!

    If you forward an application to a person in the company, they will automatically receive an Ostendis Free Edition account to process the dossier.
    You can have as many such accounts as you like in your company and they are completely free of charge.


  • After how long is an application displayed in the system?

    Applications are made available in the system within max. 3 hours in the system after they have passed through an internal checkpoint.

  • Are there any restrictions on the 100-day trial version?

    We are fully convinced of our e-recruiting solution and therefore make it available without restriction.

    Therefore, during this 100-day trial period, you can get to know Ostendis from the ground up and go through complete recruitment processes.

    The data is of course retained in full even after the test period and can be transferred or deleted.

  • Do we as a company need special software to be able to use Ostendis?

    No, it is not necessary to download any special software to use Ostendis, as Ostendis is a so-called SaaS system.

    The term SaaS system stands for Software as a Service and is a popular way of offering an application these days. A SaaS system works entirely via a cloud system, which stores the data online and makes it available anytime and anywhere.
    This means that it is not necessary to install an application on your computer or that of another employee.

    Ostendis is easily accessible via our website, at any time and from any location.

  • How are applications that we receive by post entered into the system?

    Applications sent by post can be scanned and forwarded to a dedicated e-mail address.

    We will then add this application to your Ostendis profile within a maximum of three hours so that these applications can also be viewed and managed digitally.

  • Is it possible to adapt an advertisement to our corporate identity?

    Of course it's possible!

    We offer several templates for job advertisements, which you can adapt to the design of your company according to your interests.

    For an additional charge, we can also create a job advertisement that is exclusively and individually tailored to your company.

  • What is the automatic confirmation of receipt all about?

    Applicants expect a prompt, personal and professional confirmation of receipt after submitting their application documents.

    With Ostendis, you can create and automatically send such letters in just a few time and steps.

    With text templates that are adapted to your company, you can send them to all applicants automatically and with no copy & paste effort - in the candidate's language, of course.

  • What is the CVdropper?

    The CV Dropper is our alternative to cumbersome application forms and enables applicants to submit their application documents directly online to the relevant vacancy and thus apply for the position digitally.

    The documents are then stored directly in your Ostendis profile so that you always have an overview.


  • Does Ostendis bring us any other benefit?

    Yes, even many more!

    Thanks to Ostendis' efficient application process, you will find the employees you are looking for more quickly, giving you a competitive advantage.

    In addition, Ostendis' communication options enhance the company's reputation and thus also increase the professionalism of the HR department.

    Would you like to create an advertisement according to your criteria and publish it on various platforms? No problem, at the touch of a button you can send your ad created in the system to the most important platforms on our market and save yourself a lot of time, thanks to multiposting.

    Not forgetting that we check all application documents for viruses and malware to protect you from permanent threats.

  • For whom is e-recruiting software useful?
    For all companies that want to adapt their application processes to meet today's standards. Not only will you make a positive impression on potential candidates, but you will also make your process more efficient and facilitate the application procedure in all departments involved.
  • What is e-recruiting software?

    Thanks to an e-recruiting solution, the entire recruitment process takes place in digital form.
    From the job advertisement and candidate search to the application, selection and communication - both with applicants and with internal employees such as managers and team members.

    Applicants' documents are managed in this system and can be easily processed and forwarded.

  • What is Ostendis?

    Ostendis is a cloud-based e-recruiting solution that gives you more time for the essentials in the application process - people.

    With Ostendis, you can quickly and easily create suitable job advertisements, publish them on the desired platforms and manage all application documents in one system.
    From there, you can also forward the candidates to line managers, evaluate them and send feedback to the applicants with the help of mass actions.
    With Ostendis, everything is much easier and more efficient.

  • What sets us apart from other providers?
    Quite a lot! We are a small team from beautiful Boniswil in the canton of Aargau, Switzerland, for whom personal contact and customer relations are our top priority. It is therefore very important to us that you are completely satisfied with our service. We offer a fast, competent and personal service that you could only wish for. This Swiss quality also distinguishes us in all areas of the company. Our pricing model is also unique! You only pay when you actually use our software. Long IT project? Not with us, you can be up and running with your new e-recruiting system in just a few hours. We don't have any long-term contracts or annoying subscription models. Pay as you need is our standard and at the fair price of a coffee. Want to know more about our benefits? Then get in touch with us now and we'll be happy to answer all your questions!
  • Why is Ostendis called Ostendis?
    What does Ostendis mean and what prompted us to name the company Ostendis? Ostendis is derived from the Latin and means "to show or present oneself". Ostendis is the conjugated form of the verb ostendere in the 2nd person singular present indicative active, i.e. the DU form. And that's exactly why we find the name very fitting and original. How nice that you are interested in it too!

Would you also like to recruit more quickly and easily in the future?

Treat yourself to a cup of coffee

and let our e-recruiting specialists show you Ostendis in a short, non-binding online presentation.

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Do you currently have a vacancy? Then take the opportunity now to test Ostendis completely free of charge!